Journaling [iOS]
If enabled, the journaling intervention will prompt you to write 25 words the first time you open social media in the morning (and/or in the evening). Otherwise, you’ll see the normal intervention.
You can also directly start a new journal entry from the Good Morning Countdown or Healthy Alternatives.
Like all data in one sec, your journal entries are stored on your device (and in your private iCloud container), I cannot access them.
Journaling, and reflecting on your emotions and what you’re thankful for is a very healthy habit that sparks happiness (according to science)! I hope that one sec disrupting a bad habit can help to spark new, positive habits in your life. That’s why I created this feature.
◆ How to enable the new Journaling Intervention ◆
Go to one sec settings → "Healthy Habits" and you’ll be able to enable morning / evening journaling interventions. Force yourself to journal, reflect on your feelings the first time you open an app after waking up—and again in the evening before going to bed. You can also always add entries to your journal via the "Healthy Alternatives" within interventions.
◆ Journal Emotion Explorer ◆
On top of that, I’ve added an “emotion explorer” into the Journaling Intervention. I know it can be hard sometimes to figure out the (complex) emotions that we feel, and I believe structuring them can help a bit to navigate and identify the right ones.
◆ Journal Prompt Generator ◆
Depending on the context, the journal can optionally display prompts:
Morning Reflection
Evening Reflection
Mid-Week Reflection
Week Reflection
Month Reflection
◆ Journal History ◆
You can see all journal entries in one sec → customize → Journaling → History. It’s such a cool thing to read the entries of your past self – even if it’s just two weeks ago.