Sports can be a great compensation technique for stress, desk/computer work, and coping mechanism to handle emotions.
Nowadays, we often escape into social media apps – which is very dysfunctional. It comes to no surprise, that reducing time spent social media automatically leads to more sports activity!
This is supported by findings of psychologists Julia Brailovskaia, Fabienne Ströse, Holger Schillack and Jürgen Margraf from German University of Bochum. Their recent publication “Less Facebook use – More well-being and a healthier lifestyle? An experimental intervention study”, proved exactly what I described above. Reducing social media usage by 20 minutes per day:
The intervention reduced active and passive Facebook use, Facebook use intensity, and the level of Facebook Addiction Disorder. Life satisfaction significantly increased, and depressive symptoms significantly decreased. Moreover, frequency of physical activity such as jogging or cycling significantly increased, and number of daily smoked cigarettes decreased. Effects remained stable during follow-up.
Do you need any other reason to reduce social media usage?