I need your help:
Sometimes there are bugs in Apple’s systems and they don’t know about it. Or they think it’s not a priority to fix.
A great example is Apple’s Screen Time API: In general, a great framework, and I love that Apple provides such a powerful tool to 3rd party developers.
However, it’s full of issues and inconsistencies that make it very hard to work with.
I try my best to navigate around all the issues to provide the best user experience for you through one sec.
But it’s not always possible.
You’re probably reading this article because you’ve recently encountered an issue with one sec. And I need your help to get Apple’s attention:
- Go to feedbackassistant.apple.com, sign in with your Apple ID, and create a new feedback request.
- Select the device (usually iOS / iPadOS) and the category (e.g. Screen Time).
- Be nice and tell them about the observed (wrong) behavior you’re seeing and the expected behavior you’re wishing for.
- Bonus points for attaching screenshots, a screen recording, and a sysdiagnose (it’s super easy to capture one, see my tutorial).
- If you have questions about what information to provide in your bug report, feel free to reach out: frederik.riedel@one-sec.app
Thanks a lot for your help, I really hope this will help build a better, more stable one sec long-term! ❤️
– Frederik