How do I prevent myself from deleting one sec?


We all have weak moments, and one sec is supposed to help our long-term-self achieve its goals.

Whenever your short-term self comes in-between, we have a couple of tips:

How to stop you from turning off interventions in one sec’s Settings

You can lock your settings with one sec’s feature Lock Settings. If you wanna change or deactivate your settings in one sec, you will have to go through an extra long intervention.

How to prevent you from deactivating Automations in Shortcuts

You can lock the Shortcuts app with an extra long intervention in your one sec’s settings. 

How to prevent you from changing Screen Time Settings or deleting one sec

There is a solution via your Screen Time on your iPhone. You just need somebody you trust!

Go to → iOS settings → ScreenTime → Use Screen Time Code → let somebody close to you set this code. He should not tell you it, but definetely save it in their phone or remember it. After this, go to Restrictions > iTunes and Apps Store Purchases > Delete Apps > choose "not allow". After this you won't be allowed to delete apps on your phone without this code.

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